Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This is from this summer. We made a trip to Chicago, and treated it like the overpriced, pretentious bitch that it is. Here's the video, with a small bit of skating, and whole lot of cursing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bank Bot

So the other day, about a month ago that is, we went skateboarding. We went to these really really rad spots that Cory, a Loughborough resident, had no clue about. What a Jerk. Anyway it was fun. Mike did a smith pop-over, which was gnar, but not as gnar as my trick at the rail. Then we went to that one bank spot by that one guys house. Cory decided to do every trick in the world down it, including one of my faves. And I of course did what comes not that. I'm talking about manuals, you sick bastards.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buds on Boards

Check out this video from Cory and Mike. Their better at skating than us, but their cool. I promise I'll do some kind of half assed update soon, not that anyone, at all, checks this site anymore. Not even Jonation, and he started it with me!