Monday, May 25, 2009

Wherehouse pt. 2

So ages ago we hit up the wherehouse again with a full cast. We moved some pallets around and constructed a small ledge. Andy kickflip manual'd it, quite fabulously, but I seemed to miss it, however i caught a smooth manual across it. Andy followed it up with a 50-50. Dan refused to wear a shirt the whole day... enuff said. He did the ush: boardslide, manual, 50-50, and most likely something cool, we'll never know. Kirby still won't get his sequence because he sucks [thats what you get for stealing my water], but he did a nifty tailslide on the ledge. He also did a 50-50 and pulled off a 5-0. Jim outdoing himself with a nosemanual and 180 bs crook?, either way shredtastic. And Alex is getting the hang of this skateboard thing. Twas a fun day. Now lets crete it up when it dries.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So the session went down over at a special spot, Corey and his boys have been working on. It's pretty damn spiffy and will only get better, tons of potential; nice job guys. Kirby and Corey started off attemptin a pretty sketchy gap, but purdy none the less. Corey lost his board to it, but will undoubtedly land it soon. Then I followed Kirby and Dan to the quarter on the upper deck. They match each others stalls first, then Dan did a nice rock n roll. Kirby followed with somethin neat, i dont know what to call this. Soon everyone left, so Dan was hitting up the blocks. A nice nose grind and 5-0 followed suit, but Dan ate some massive $@!# before we left.

Ps. Kirbs, the sequence didnt work out, sorry man. We'll have to shoot somethin more left to right-ish


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Super Awesome Spot? Super Awesome Tricks? Moderately Awesome Dancing? Broken Board? New Board? Still Need a New Board?
O Goody Goody...

You have been warned.


Friday, May 8, 2009

The Loading Dock Days: Part 3

The third and final collection of the old footage I found on my computer. This is by far my favorite. Maybe Randy Flash will have better days, now that I finally uploaded this.
Highligthts: Shawn doing a handrail, Jim trying a very large handrail, Andy making a very high pitched noise while being fondled by Thom, and of course... The Single Greatest Freakout Ever Recorded.
Also completing my using of Beck for all of these videos, turns out he's a scientologist,too bad.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

IHM, Andy Has Another Bad Day

Dan, Randy Flash, and I went up to IHM for a small session. We met up Corey and his friends. It was a pole jam jam. Dan did it into manual and nose manual, sorry i missed it, but I didn't miss this! Ha. Dan also had some fun with a jump rope. Corey followed suit with a nice pole jam, as well as his friend. It ended with a nice game over the speed bumps that was ended by the popo, weak.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Woo For More Delays

This post is way over due, due to my computer's power supply shooting craps. Sooo with no further adue: the post. Dan and I went over to the corner rail. He was determined to land a 50-50 around it. In between falls, we jammed to a 90s classic: Sellout by Reel Big Fish (thank you random car w/ loud stereo). Dan waxed and waxed until he finally landed it, but he left feeling unsatisfied. So Dan constructed a sketchy kicker and had some fun before we left. Later we went to the ol' loading dock past yonder. Dan was doing crazy tricks on the lip-ledge, and he ended it with a 180 off the dock, classy. O and Dan broke his ancient board. Later in the week we wondered to Webster Skate park, soon to be frequented, and in between stalls (sorry Mr. Owner) Dan boardslide the curve rail. Then we got drinks, food, and chillax'd watching the stupidest movie ever (which is a great movie by the way).

Cool Guy With a Camera