Monday, May 25, 2009

Wherehouse pt. 2

So ages ago we hit up the wherehouse again with a full cast. We moved some pallets around and constructed a small ledge. Andy kickflip manual'd it, quite fabulously, but I seemed to miss it, however i caught a smooth manual across it. Andy followed it up with a 50-50. Dan refused to wear a shirt the whole day... enuff said. He did the ush: boardslide, manual, 50-50, and most likely something cool, we'll never know. Kirby still won't get his sequence because he sucks [thats what you get for stealing my water], but he did a nifty tailslide on the ledge. He also did a 50-50 and pulled off a 5-0. Jim outdoing himself with a nosemanual and 180 bs crook?, either way shredtastic. And Alex is getting the hang of this skateboard thing. Twas a fun day. Now lets crete it up when it dries.

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