Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bad Idea

Hey remember that one time you tried that sketch rail and got owned? And I pretty much missed the whole ordeal.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Columbia!!! A Return to Edits.

Finally were back with new stuff, it took awhile, mostly because of school. But don't get your hopes up, school is kicking all of our asses so this isn't really a full fledged comeback. Anyhow, skateboarding in Columbia is fun, there's lots of fun stuff to skate, except now the Lowry Mall is a bust, and I never got to land that boardslide. Not that it matters.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Well I apparently lost the photos that I was supposed to edit and use for this update. Since I lost them, I photoshop'd this last night when I was bored. I think about stupid stuff when I'm bored. I started out with this and somehow wound up with this

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Started It All...

Ladies and Gentlemen
I present to you:

Grad' Giftzzzzzzzzzz

I just wanted to take a sec to show you the awesome gift that my cousin gave me for graduation. Ha at least we know someone looked at the site. Hooray!
Oh and I promise to update once more by the end of this week.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

In Response To Jon

Well so I finally got my computer back, and finally got editing stuff.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baby Update

So Dan is being a baby, so I'll give him a baby update about him doing his baby rail. Are you happy, ya big baby?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Sorry Excuse For An Update

Yeah well you read the title, and thats all this is. This is just from the last night or so, its a pretty fun new addition to the endless fun at the industrial park. As long as the pigsters stay outta there. Oh, and for the 4 people who read this, we need to keep cleaning at the warehouse, theres still a lot of work to be done.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Small End: Cat Calls

The rest of the footage on my computer. Some new, some very old.
You'll probably be disappointed.
Keep an eye out for Andy Paasch's sick tricks.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Wherehouse pt. 2

So ages ago we hit up the wherehouse again with a full cast. We moved some pallets around and constructed a small ledge. Andy kickflip manual'd it, quite fabulously, but I seemed to miss it, however i caught a smooth manual across it. Andy followed it up with a 50-50. Dan refused to wear a shirt the whole day... enuff said. He did the ush: boardslide, manual, 50-50, and most likely something cool, we'll never know. Kirby still won't get his sequence because he sucks [thats what you get for stealing my water], but he did a nifty tailslide on the ledge. He also did a 50-50 and pulled off a 5-0. Jim outdoing himself with a nosemanual and 180 bs crook?, either way shredtastic. And Alex is getting the hang of this skateboard thing. Twas a fun day. Now lets crete it up when it dries.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So the session went down over at a special spot, Corey and his boys have been working on. It's pretty damn spiffy and will only get better, tons of potential; nice job guys. Kirby and Corey started off attemptin a pretty sketchy gap, but purdy none the less. Corey lost his board to it, but will undoubtedly land it soon. Then I followed Kirby and Dan to the quarter on the upper deck. They match each others stalls first, then Dan did a nice rock n roll. Kirby followed with somethin neat, i dont know what to call this. Soon everyone left, so Dan was hitting up the blocks. A nice nose grind and 5-0 followed suit, but Dan ate some massive $@!# before we left.

Ps. Kirbs, the sequence didnt work out, sorry man. We'll have to shoot somethin more left to right-ish


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Super Awesome Spot? Super Awesome Tricks? Moderately Awesome Dancing? Broken Board? New Board? Still Need a New Board?
O Goody Goody...

You have been warned.


Friday, May 8, 2009

The Loading Dock Days: Part 3

The third and final collection of the old footage I found on my computer. This is by far my favorite. Maybe Randy Flash will have better days, now that I finally uploaded this.
Highligthts: Shawn doing a handrail, Jim trying a very large handrail, Andy making a very high pitched noise while being fondled by Thom, and of course... The Single Greatest Freakout Ever Recorded.
Also completing my using of Beck for all of these videos, turns out he's a scientologist,too bad.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

IHM, Andy Has Another Bad Day

Dan, Randy Flash, and I went up to IHM for a small session. We met up Corey and his friends. It was a pole jam jam. Dan did it into manual and nose manual, sorry i missed it, but I didn't miss this! Ha. Dan also had some fun with a jump rope. Corey followed suit with a nice pole jam, as well as his friend. It ended with a nice game over the speed bumps that was ended by the popo, weak.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Woo For More Delays

This post is way over due, due to my computer's power supply shooting craps. Sooo with no further adue: the post. Dan and I went over to the corner rail. He was determined to land a 50-50 around it. In between falls, we jammed to a 90s classic: Sellout by Reel Big Fish (thank you random car w/ loud stereo). Dan waxed and waxed until he finally landed it, but he left feeling unsatisfied. So Dan constructed a sketchy kicker and had some fun before we left. Later we went to the ol' loading dock past yonder. Dan was doing crazy tricks on the lip-ledge, and he ended it with a 180 off the dock, classy. O and Dan broke his ancient board. Later in the week we wondered to Webster Skate park, soon to be frequented, and in between stalls (sorry Mr. Owner) Dan boardslide the curve rail. Then we got drinks, food, and chillax'd watching the stupidest movie ever (which is a great movie by the way).

Cool Guy With a Camera

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Loading Dock Days: Part 2

Another collection of Jim and Shawn from 2005. While this one may not impress much, I PROMISE the next one will. Yes, you know which one im talking about.
Highlights: Landing tricks on the lips of ramps, Jim's inability to skate transition, and Uh-oh!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hay B

Over the weekend we made the familiar journey to ol' JB skate-area. It was a nice day and everyone was enjoying the company of the most friendly and delightful people in the world. So I decided to snap a couple shots over on the mini-bowl-ramp. Stan nailed a tailstall nose-grab, and Kirby joined in to double team (...barf) the ramp. Stanny followed up with some signature boardslides and smith. Dan was soo crazy he made his own trick, WHAT?!. K-bear dominated an assortment of stalls, minus this. And then we all left in the comfort of knowing that our Great Protector would be watching over us, fighting off the Great Evil.

Cool Guy with a Camera

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Loading Dock Days: Part 1

Old stuff from Shawn, Jim, And Kyle. Circa 2005*.
Back when we did gaps and stuff, it was a strange, strange time.
Highlights: Breaking Boards, Jim doing a Handrail, Shawn's Laugh

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Formal Apology

This is formal apology to all of our 8,000,000 viewers. It seems we've been "asleep at the job" so to speak. I'm not gonna lie and say I've been working on something. But we'll get to work on something new. Promise.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Really Delay'd Post

Like a week or two ago, Stanny and I hit up a lil rail spot right in our neck of the woods. Dan landed a tailslide and a few 50-50s all while remaining in the height of fashion. He attempted to do a 50-50 around a corner, but soon it grew dark and hopes of shots coming out faded. So we switch shov'd our way outta there and went on a scouting mission. We found many-a-spots, and we shall hopefully have some better posts coming up.

This post was also an excuse for me to put up my t-shirt design I thought of on the way back from florida. Cha-cha-check it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


KUT report is late due to wind speed in excess of 150 mph across the plains of Kansas along with mild tonadoes. Nothing to worry about. But I honestly almost fell over walking into an invisible naturally formed wind tunnel around my dorm, if I hadn't cut my hair I would have. There is nothing going on in Kansas...that is all.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sandy Pants

Well I just wanted to rub in how AMAZING my vacation in florida is, so enjoy, dream, and soak in the glory.
Ps. If you cool enough maybe you can come next year, maybe.

Cool Guy with a Camera

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Its raining right now, which made me think, were not gonna be able to skate the Rapeville ditch for a little while more. Which means no more of this for a while. And none of this for a little bit. Kinda makes me wanna cry. All in all, it will be ok, but I still kinda feel, hmmm, like this.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Logo Business

Vote for the Latest Logo in the Poll on the Right Side!!!!




4. (Current)

Post Comments if you have suggestions

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Lateness

Happy Birthday Justin. Hopefully now that another year is under your belt, you can finally grow a solid beard. Hope it was fun and enjoy the lateness, and the birthday chin-strap.

ITS COLUMBIA!!! kinda...

This is the only footage we got from the trip to Columbia this weekend. No one was ever really in the mood to film but we skated a lot and the skatepark there was awesome-sauce. We ended up buying fireworks on the way home, so its all good.

Featuring: Shawn, Andy, and Kaleb.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The sesh at nab-Isco went pretty smoothly. We encountered a dangerous biker gang, but luckily we managed to loose em. Upon arrival Dan threw down some 50-50s on the stairs, he had a serious case of footplacement though. Kirby was going all out, showing off to our new buds, slamming down a 50-50 as well as both a 5-0 and un salad. All equal in fattyness. Aside from camera difficulties, threats against myself, my own threats, dan bein gross, and my ADD, we managed to have a decent session without any butthurt. We were even graced by Jimmy, who took time out of his rigorous training at the dojo. The day ended with a good 'ol game of skate on the nearby bank, and some hops down the stairs (who would of thought to do that).

Cool Guy With a Camera
ps dont steal my *stuff


The newest in THE SMALL END series. Featuring some dirty kids that no one really likes.
Took me 2 whole days to upload to youtube. Thats right 48 hours.
Kansas Update Tuesday: KUT Report

First off thanks for the birthday wishes last week you guys are awesome. To show my gratitude I included this picture of some Chinese guys giving a thumbs up, I thought it would be appropriate. Now it's a little creepy.

Now's what is going on in Kansas:

Well apparently we only have corn. I've driven around a little bit and that sounds about right, I mean there are some plains too but seriously how many of those does one state really need? I heard an advertisment for a fish fossil and a bar where drunk people are allowed to sleep outside in the alley, that's gotta count for something right? Maybe not yeah probably not. You know things are'nt looking good for a state when you're main tourist attractions are a little fossil and a bar. Honestly wtf Kansas who do you think you are?

The only exciting thing to happen to me was I gave a pretty funny speech about how Cheez-Its and friends are similar. Easily the best topic in the class and how can you disagree when my source is 14 kinds of cheez-its what?

Other than that I just got my new sneakers in the mail yesterday, pretty awesome.

Be home friday or saturday, I'm out.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Interesting Wednesday. (On Thursday)

Welcome to the first (hopefully not the last) “Interesting Wednesday.” I'll just hit you with some random stuff to start your day off right...

This is just one of those things… that you couldn’t do it if you tried..

Loser of the week = This guy

Winner of the week = Devin Harris

Runner up = Doc Ellis

Show this to Grandma.

This made me think of Andy. Then I found this.

If you thought bush hopping was hardcore… wait till you see this…

My goal for next week = Learn how to do this

Ending Humor - Rofl.

I leave you with this…

While exploring the fields of Kansas, Sideshow Bob was captured by hostile gayhawks. Semaj the powerful chief of the gayhawks told him he could make one final statement which would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false he would be boiled in water. If the statement were true, he would be fried in oil. Sideshow Bob found neither of his options too enticing, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What one statement could he have made to save himself?

That's all I got

C3 P.S. - Don't steal Jon's shtuff

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What?! We Can't Do Real Tricks

Well we finally got some more warm weather today. So we got to plank-rolling today and held a small sesh at nab-Isco. And we even did some real tricks.
Stay tuned, a full update will happen tomorrow.

Update: Delayed due to busyness.
MU won! Kansas lost!
-Cool Guy With a Camera
ps. dont steal my stuff